What is essential for me
I have great respect for all the many ways and possibilities that we can think, live and act. I find this diversity especially in books and therefore I love all kind of stories. Think of all those different authors who challenge us, who share their ideas and inspirations and make us part of their stories. Our own small world becomes richer and more alive. I love an easy lifestyle. I feel comfortable in warm sunny countries near the sea, where you can drink a cup of coffee outside, surrounded by beautiful flowers. Where you can have a chat with your neighbour and where “Siesta Time” is something everybody cares about.
I love to work with people who are excited about life, are ready to move forward, enjoy challenges and really want a partner to support them in attaining their next level of excellence. I work only with individuals who are ready for a fabulous and spectacular life. For a development worker, as I was for many years, it is so important to make yourself dispensable. The same mindset is applicable to a coach. It is one of the best things to realize that people can move forward, alone, powerful and keen to experience new adventures. In the English language there is this amazing word: Curiosity. Being curious, being inquisitive, being able to wonder about everything and everybody, to find the diamonds in ourselves, is something I go for. To share all these things, to encourage others, to bring out the best in each of us, to experience what incredible things are possible the moment we take off…!
I have learnt a lot in my life through observing. Nature is a great place for that. Being outside and being aware of what is happening. Surrounded by the ocean, by endless landscapes, being in the mountains with all their beauty, our colourful world, all those aromas and flavours, the shrieking of seagulls or utter silence and tranquillity!
For how long have I worked as a Life Coach on the phone?
- I founded my business twenty years ago and work exclusively on the telephone. I have a full coaching practice and more than 19 000 coaching hours behind me. My clients usually stay with me for between six and twelve months and very often they book me years later for another coaching period.
- I usually coach in English or German, and sometimes also in Spanish. Most of my clients live in Europe or in Asia . To work with me one only needs a telephone and an internet connection. Although English is not my mother tongue my English speaking clients love the intercultural exchange because this brings us a totally new way of perceiving life.
What qualifies me to be your Life Coach on the Telephone?
- I’ve been trained in one of the oldest and most qualified Coach Training schools in the US, at Coach University in Colorado. I received three years coach training over the phone. I have never been there. The whole training took place over so called teleclasses. Participants, from all over the world, met together in teleconferences.
- Additionally I’ve been trained as a teleclass leader at Coach University . That is a training which enables you to moderate and give teleseminars on the telephone. I was also trained in coaching groups over the phone – a great way to benefit from all the strength of the other participants.
- 2008 I finished the MCC, the Master Certified Coach. This is the highest designation one can get from the ICF, the International Coach Federation. They expect more than 2500 individual Coaching hours from you, a Certified Coach Training and an examination.
And additional highlights about my other life:
While working for three years during the civil war in Lebanon I realized how precious life really is. Raising and educating my children among Indians in South America for more than 6 years I was exposed to many different ways of looking at life and numerous communication skills. The West Himalayas known for its beauty as well as its poverty taught me to be patient, calm and in the moment. Together with my family I worked there for three years in a development program.
At the moment I live in Switzerland together with my partner on a beautiful farm with a big garden. I love to be outside in nature, I love long distance hikes, I love the Black Forest as well as the Swiss mountains. I am fascinated by the sea, the North Sea and the Atlantic. I love lonely beaches, the sunrise on top of a mountain and a delicous meal near a campfire.